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To St Mark's & All Saints' Churches West Parley
All inquiries please to
Revd. Charles Booth 01202 873561
charles.booth2@bt internet.com
The Sunday Pew Sheet and Sunday Link are also posted on this site.
For weekly comment from Clergy, click HERE
For Pew Sheet, click HERE
For Sunday Link, click HERE.
For Daily Prayer for Lent, click HERE
Continue to look out for the vulnerable and needy and do not neglect the church's calling to pray, remembering especially the sick, the troubled and all in the front line of the struggle to restore health and wellbeing.
Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. (John 14.27)
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Saint Mark's
250 New Road
Car Parking is provided in the car park in front of St Marks.
If on arrival, it appears full, please pop into the Church when a Sidesperson or Churchwarden will be pleased to assist.
All Saints' Church Lane
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9.00am - Second Sunday in the month -
St Mark's Church Hall - Breakfast@Nine
(An informal buffet breakfast gathering for newcomers and regulars, young and old. Join us for good food and relaxed conversation culminating in a short and informal act of worship).
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East Window All Saints'
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At All Saints’ and St. Mark’s we take our responsibilities surrounding the safeguarding of children, young people, and vulnerable adults very seriously. We work in partnership with the Diocese of Salisbury to ensure that our procedures accord with best practice at all times.
If you have any Safeguarding questions or concerns you can contact our PCC Safeguarding Representitive, Jane Trobridge on 01202 873459 or email jane.trobridge@btinternet.com
Alternatively you can contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisers, Suzy Futcher on 07500 664800 or Gem Carter on 07469857888, or email safeguarding@salisbury.anglican.org
A copy of the All Saints' & St Mark's policy can be viewed by clicking HERE
A copy of the Church of England policy can be viewed by clicking HERE
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