Weekly comment from the Clergy

The Fifthteenth Sunday after Trinity

7th September 2024

Wet and blustery weather at the beginning of September seems to confirm that Summer is over. Our tomato plants are heavily laden but all the fruit is green and I'm wondering if the sun and the heat to ripen them is now past. If so, I guess Green Tomato Chutney beckons but, it's not uncommon to slip into that Autumnal mood of mists and mellow fruitfulness   only to find a resurgence of Summer in warm and settled late September days. That's something to hope for not least as we have the Parish Barbecue next weekend and there is plenty still to do in the garden. 

 In tomorrow's gospel (Mark 7.24-end) we meet people (the Syro-Phoenician Woman and the deaf man) whose days were clouded by infirmity, either their own or that of those closest to them. They vested their hope in Jesus and their trust was rewarded. The point of the story is not that faith in Jesus is an alternative to medicine for those who have enough of it. It is rather a demonstration of the compassion of God revealed in Jesus and, moreover, compassion which overcomes divisions of race and religion. We might well wonder why  such compassion is not demonstrated more often.  It is not however for us to know all the mysteries of the Divine but rather to be inspired by Jesus' example and seek to grow in that spirit of compassion which inspired him.  In so doing, whatever the season and whatever the circumstances, we bring something of the light and hope of Summer into a world too often shrouded in darkness.       

 Tomorrow we have Breakfast@Nine which is an opportunity to develop and strengthen the bonds of fellowship whilst welcoming families and those less familiar with formal worship. As on recent occasions we will keep a leisurely breakfast allowing time for the team to clear up before we have a simple Service of the Word at 10am focussing on the gospel text. This will conclude with the sharing of the peace at about 10.15 after which Charles will play his organ voluntary while those attending the remainder of the Eucharist gather in church. The service will continue from that point with the offertory hymn and the preparation of the altar as we respond to Jesus' invitation to receive him, the living bread and the light of life.

 Every blessing,

Charles Booth

The Pew Sheet with notices can be found on the website. 

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