Weekly comment from the Clergy

The Ninth Sunday after Trinity

28th July 2024

This Sunday at the Eucharist we have the annual commissioning of Churchwardens with PCC members and Sidespersons. It's an occasion on which we all have opportunity to dedicate ourselves afresh to our calling within the Body of Christ whether or not specific ministries flow from it.  The gospel for the day is  John's account of The Feeding of the Five Thousand (Ch.6).  There are numerous interwoven themes here but the one that stands out to me is that of thanksgiving and its power to effect transformation. John doesn't dwell on it but surely the critical moment is when Jesus lifted his eyes to the heavens and gave thanks for the five loaves and two fish. Out of that act of thanksgiving meagreness became plenty and the power of thankfulness to effect transformation was revealed. We don't expect to see miracles like that every day but the point is that we ourselves can become Christ's miraculous presence in the world by committing anew to his service and fulfilling it in a spirit of praise and thanksgiving.  At times we may be aware that our capacity for praise and thanksgiving is as meagre as those five loaves and two fish, yet that does not restrict God's grace in working wonders. By that same grace may the spirit of thanksgiving dwell in our heart and be on our lips. 


Charles Booth

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